Dealing with a car accident is always a headache, no matter the severity. There are multiple areas of concern that factor in, when it comes to how to handle a car accident case from the moment it happens to the moment you speak to a car accident lawyer. The accident lawyers here at Dyal Jenkins want to make sure you have all the information you need to get the help you need and to build a strong car accident case. We have put together a list of things to do, common mistakes, and other information you should have when presenting your case to a car accident lawyer. Hopefully this will help make an unpleasant experience a little easier to deal with.
Call the Police
The first thing to do when a car accident occurs is to call the police, especially if there is any type of injury caused by the car accident. Making sure everyone involved is safe and taken care of if they need medical assistance is the first priority. You should also file a report with a police officer at the scene. If you do not file a police report, the other driver may simply claim it did not happen, and this could make your case much harder than it should be. A police report is a valuable thing for your car accident lawyer to have whether the case is settled or if it goes to court.
Stay at the Scene
Make sure to stay at the scene until the police tell you otherwise. Georgia law requires everyone involved in a motor vehicle collision to stay on scene until help arrives. Staying at the scene of the car accident will ensure that your side of the story is told and documented in the report correctly, as you cannot and should not rely on the other driver—especially if they were the one at-fault!
Although your police report will be an important document to give to your accident lawyer, obtaining your own documentation is still a good idea. Documenting and taking notes of the incident would include taking photos of your car AND the other car(s), noting dates and times pertaining to the accident, names and contact information of everyone involved (including witnesses), and any conversations had at the scene. Be sure to get names and phone numbers of any bystander witnesses. The more information you can provide your car accident lawyer, the better your chance of protecting your case will be.
Assess Damage & Injuries
You will need to have your vehicle damage assessed to see if it can be fixed and how much it will cost. You should get 2-3 quotes from different mechanics, so you have a range of options. Your insurance claim adjuster will guide you in obtaining more information about the status of your vehicle damage.
If you are in any pain, you will also need to have your injuries assessed and documented by a medial professional. If your injuries are more serious and it has, or is having an impact on your everyday life, this must be taken care of. Waiting will only delay your healthy recovery and cause issues with your case.
Make sure to keep up with your claim number, claim adjuster’s name and contact information, vehicle repair quotes, car rentals, and medical bills pertaining to your car accident. Again, your car accident lawyer will be able to assist you best if he has as much information as you can possibly provide.
Speak to Accident Lawyer
When choosing a car accident lawyer, there are certain questions you should ask to be sure that you are making the best choice. A good question to ask an accident attorney is how frequently he or she handles car accident cases, and how long he or she has been doing it? This will give you an idea of the level of experience this accident lawyer or law firm has.
There are many ways you can protect your rights after being in a car accident. There is also no substitute for professional, experienced legal advice. At Dyal Jenkins, we can make sure your claim stays on track and that you are pursuing the maximum compensation possible.
Dyal Jenkins has over 70 years of combined experience, with a proven track record of success.
Contact our personal injury lawyers and car accident attorneys through our contact tab on our website, or call us today.
Atlanta Office: (404) 919-7297
Elberton Office: (706) 283-8240
Make the first call the right call… Dyal Jenkins.